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Your stats

Hi there, Hoppers!

If you want to see how your hopper is performing, navigate to "stats" it will list a quick overview of the trades your hopper has done and the way it is performing.

The stats page is made up of a whole array of widgets.

Buys and sells

You can track your buys and sells, this candle chart is depicted by two colors

  • Red : Sells
  • Green : Buys

This chart is made to easily see if you have bought and sold much and to give you a general idea of trading performance

Allocation of funds

This Pie chart shows 3 types of data.

  • Base currency available.
  • Base currency in open positions
  • Base currency reserved

This Pie chart easily shows you what your funds are doing, wether they are tied in positions or if they are sitting in your portfolio waiting to be hopped!

Profit stats

This Shows data about your hoppers performance money wise.

  • Base currency Invested
  • Base currency Returns
  • Base currency gained/lost in current positions
  • Fee's paid

This chart gives you a clean overview of what you have made over the time period selected, it shows your current holdings and your profits.

Profit based on sell triggers

This Shows data about your profits based on what type of trigger was used to sell, think of

  • Percentage profit
  • Trailing stop loss
  • Auto close within time

This chart shows you what your config has been up to with selling, how it's sold and helps you pinpoint selling flaws in your configuration

Profit based on buy triggers

This shows data about your profits based on what type of trigger was used to buy, think of

  • Strategy
  • Signalers
  • Trailing stop buy
  • DCA

This chart shows you what your config has been up to with buying, how it's bought and helps you pinpoint Buying flaws in your configuration

Daily Profit

This shows your average daily profits percentage wise

It helps you see if you are making a profit, how much profit and it helps you determine if the market is going bearish or bullish.

Average holding times

This Shows data about how long you have been holding an asset on average. It will show you

  • The average holding time of your currency
  • What currency is held
  • How long it's held

This chart helps you see if your hopper is trading as you intended to, it it holding the assets for a very short period of time, a scalper bot.
Or is it holding it for days? A buy and hold strategy.

Average profits per coin

This shows data about how much profit you made per coin, it will show you

  • Your average total profit
  • The name of the currency
  • The amount of profit made

This chart gives you a clean overview of what you have made on average with that particular coin, very handy to see which coins work and which don't

Most traded coins

This Shows data about your hoppers most traded coins in positions sold. it will show you

  • What type of currency is traded
  • How many trades are done in that particular currency
  • How much percent of your trading this coin has done

This chart gives you a clean overview of How much you have traded per currency, to filter out coins that never fit your strategy

Total in assets

This might show you the most important data of all, your money.

This chart gives you a clean graph based overview of your funds and how it behaves. Once the markets pick up and your hopper starts to do loads of profitable trades, you tend to see a rise, while a small drawback is expected in bear heavy markets.

Happy Hopping!

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