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Algorithm Intelligence (A.I.)

One of the most exciting developments in automated trading is our A.I. The way we offer it, it is exclusively available on Cryptohopper, making it unique.

A.I. stands for: Algorithmic Intelligence. No, it’s not Artificial Intelligence (well not yet. Who knows where the future is going to bring us).

The way our A.I works is easily explainable, simply compare it to an automatic backtester. You “feed” your A.I with all the possible strategies, it will analyze them all for you and choose the one that is most successful in the current market. You will not come closer to a set-and-forget then this.

Crucial to creating a good A.I are two things: 

  1. Have several accurate market trend analysis strategies that help your A.I. analyze the trend of a market. Build them yourself or download them from the marketplace.

  2. Feed it with as many strategies for buy/sell signals as possible. 

Your A.I. will rate both market trend & signal strategies with an accuracy score. You can determine in your config how high the score must be on a signal, before your bot may follow it. Your bot will automatically follow signals coming from the strategy with the highest accuracy. How exciting!

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